PROPER WORKSHOP – Circularity scoring system: an application to lithium-ion batteries of electric vehicles
The EU-funded DigiPrime project is developing a circular economy digital platform to create circular business models based on the data-enhanced recovery and reuse of functions and materials. Sostenipra is involved in two pilot demonstrations, one of them on electric vehicle (EV) batteries. Within this Pilot, we are developing a new method to assess the circularity of batteries. This method is based on the so-called “material efficiency CEN-CENELEC standards” which are currently used to assess the potential to repair, reuse, repurpose, remanufacture and recycle energy-related products.
During the pasts months, we have defined a new scoring system by describing a series of product-related and service-related criteria. The product-related criteria include the disassembly depth, fasteners and connectors, tools, and number of destructive steps. The service-related criteria refer to the availability of information for disassembly, the availability of spare parts and interfaces, the state of health and the battery management system connectivity.
This Workshop will help to:
1) validate the criteria used for the assessment,
2) validate each criterion’s weight in the circularity strategies, and
3) validate the scale of qualification for each agreed criterion to determine the final score.
Date: May 31, 2023, from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm CET
Venue: Room Z023, ICTA_UAB Building, Campus UAB – Bellaterra, Barcelona (location).
Registration: Please fill out this form to register for the workshop. Limited capacity (30 seats max.)